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Location: MInneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am now a simple Grandpa who's life is made richer as each grandchild is born. My wife and I have raised five children and the 30 year love labor of raising them has begun to yield sweet fruit..... And then there are fruits of 30 years in ministry ... I am a satisfied old man full of the joy of the Lord.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Iran Has Cruise missiles

This is from the Debka file website.

Ukraine president Yushchenko confirmed in Washington that criminals sold dozen Kh-55 strategic cruise missiles to Iran during previous regime in Kiev.

DEBKAfiles military sources reveals fresh intelligence reaching America that some of the 12 were defective. Iranians used their components to assemble operational missiles. They successfully tested one.

If Iran goes nuclear the entire prophetic clock begins to accelerate like a table fan. Israel will not allow the threat to its people. America, at this time, will help Israel, but not for long if this steps up to a nuclear showdown.


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