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Location: MInneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am now a simple Grandpa who's life is made richer as each grandchild is born. My wife and I have raised five children and the 30 year love labor of raising them has begun to yield sweet fruit..... And then there are fruits of 30 years in ministry ... I am a satisfied old man full of the joy of the Lord.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

What's next?

What is next? Fornication was popularized in the 50’s and 60’s with advent of birth control. Adultery was common and along with it came no fault divorce in the 70’s. Homosexuality began to break into the mainstream in the 80’s, homosexual rights in the 90’s, and now homosexual marriage and adoption in the new century. This has all happened in my lifetime.

In 1968 at Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis) an English professor friend of my social group came out of the closet and announced publicly that he was gay. The University immediately fired him. He bounced around in the local scene until he was drawn off into the Atlanta bathhouse scene. In Atlanta he contracted AIDS and later died. For a season he lived in my house. I lost track of him when I moved to Minnesota and never knew the final story. It was a very sad experience in my life. He was a friend although he was out of work and was a very needy friend.

In contrast to that and 20 years later, my oldest daughter started a new student group at the University of Minnesota while earning her nursing degree. She called it “Women of Virtue.” People used to rage at her. They would get livid because she would claim to be a virgin. She just simply thought that there would be others at the U that would have some of her same goals. There were always a few young ladies that joined in her meetings over the years. The group still met up until just months ago. Imagine the audacity to think in the 21st century that anyone can be “virtuous.”

Where do we go from here? The answer is pedophilia. The last of the “innocents.”
The lust for “strange flesh” will continue until we are outraged. The tribe of Benjamin in the Bible was a good example of this. The Levite whose concubine was raped and abused unto death in the book of Judges in the town of Gibeah was chopped up into pieces and express mailed to all the other tribes before they were shocked from their slumber and took action.

Does some little child have to be raped to death by a gang of citizens before we speak up.
Where is the outrage? I think it is intimidated back from speaking because most of the people in America are compromised by their own lack of virtue. As I sit here tonight one of the headlines is about child sex tourism in Asia. Last year 11 Americans were arrested for this selfish and outrageous disregard of the preciousness of a child. And we are off to a good start this year with the one arrested last night. Arrested because they left the country with the intentions of raping children. This is the tip of the iceberg. But the public is silent so that it can enjoy its porno and sin in its own special little way.

You know… “judge not lest ye be judged.” Lord have mercy on us.


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