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Location: MInneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am now a simple Grandpa who's life is made richer as each grandchild is born. My wife and I have raised five children and the 30 year love labor of raising them has begun to yield sweet fruit..... And then there are fruits of 30 years in ministry ... I am a satisfied old man full of the joy of the Lord.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Social Security and Slow Population Growth

As I draw near to 65 and Social Security "benifits" I am quite amused by the crisis that has come to the US. There is talk about authorizing trillions in new debt. Others say we should juggle benifits. Still yet, Bush has said that we need to privatize a protion of Social Security. All of these are ideas that might need to be put to task if we as US citizens are to have our "entitlements" in our old age.
I have a family of 7 and I have often said to them that they are my best bet for social security benefits. And I think this is a good example of what is wrong. We have been killing our kids. 45,000,000 in the last 31 years. This is more than the population of the entire West coast. California alone is the sixth largest economy in the world. Thats a lot of cash that could be used to support parents in their old age.
And don't even get me into the area of "birth control" Zero population growth is not a smart idea. Look at Europe. They have been rejecting kids now for a long time. They even have to import people from the world in order to run their economies. There are not enough worker bees. So they get them from places that have an abundance. And where is that you ask? It is from Muslim countries. Muslims reject birth control and abortion. They really believe that they are to be fruitful and multiply. They see the idea of less kids as stupid.
Let's see now... we kill our kids to be "smarter" world citizens while they have as many kids as they can .... to be "smarter" world citizens. Who is winning? Already Canada, and many European countries are considering implementing some areas of Sharia law. This slope seems to be pretty slippery to me. I think I will try to walk a more straigh path. As for me and my family, we are going to have kids. If things keep up like they are there will not be any government left to supply the "benefits" promised to me in old age. Social Security was nothing more than just another tax. As a preacher I opted out of it years ago. That is when I began to see my kids as REAL social security.


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